Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 35: Wow, it's starting to come together

I have to guess that at some point during everyone's Ironman training, that a lightbulb goes on when you begin to think that you are actually capable of doing the event.  Then you do a super long swim or bike and are exhausted and wonder how on earth you will go on to do all 3 sports on your special day.  I constantly battle exhaustion and hunger and have started to plan my life around when I get to eat next and when I get to lay down.

I have four months left to train and get ready.  And although those four months will be rather hard, I've radically changed my viewpoint of the actual day of my Ironman.  Originally I thought of it as a sufferfest, and a huge unbearable day to get through.  And then my view started to change and now I see November 5th as a day of celebration.  A day where I get to enjoy myself and have fun.  Part of this breakthough happened during the Cartersville Century when there were 5 of us riding together for the last 20 miles.  Instead of the meltdown I had for the first 2 centuries, I had a great time at the end.  We laughed and smiled and told stories and joked around.  And I started thinking, what if my Ironman experience was like this? 

It means I'd need to slow down a little...not much...but just enough so that I'm comfortable...not on the cusp of pain.  And I need to add in some ways to have with the clothing I choose and the attitude I bring along.

In slowing down, I have found that I'm able to run again.  I'm running anywhere from 4-6 minutes, and then walking 1-2 minutes.  I can now do this for an hour and a half.  It seems based on the pace that I can run/walk, I think it's possible to finish the marathon in 5.5 hours.  There is quite a bit of work over the next 4 months to get me from 1.5 hours to 5.5 hours.  The run is the only place right now where that lightbulb has not come on.  It scares me.  I oftentimes think I am holding it all together with duct tape and superglue.

Yet, I am still confident that I will finish.  I will smile.  I will help someone out along the course.  Hopefully many people.  I will challenge myself and give it my all.  I will celebrate the day.

I am incredibly grateful that I have a life where I can devote so much time to adventures like this.  I don't overlook the luxury it truly is.

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