Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 20: Back to square one

I can say that pretty much without a doubt week 20 was the lowest week for me so far of the 20.  Things seemed to be moving along well...I was running again without pain.  Building cycling miles, cycling speed, and loving the swim.  Then BOOM, the ankle pain returned again after a very slow 7 mile run on Sunday.  No pain at all during the run.  It was one of the best runs I have had in such a long time.  I was insanely happy as I ran the last 7 miles of one of my best friends in the entire world's marathon.  It was so much fun to support him in that way and to celebrate with him and my other friends aftewards.
But by Monday morning I knew something was wrong...and 5 days later, I'm starting to wonder if it's broken. In some ways this pain is more than it was the first time around.  So with my first 70.3 only 51 days away, I spent this week in a very low place.
OK-yes I admit I did ALL kinds of things wrong last year.  But I honestly thought I had corrected them and have been so happy lately that the IT band pain is almost 100% gone.  My hip pain is almost core is so strong and my general fitness improved.  My quads have grown probably an inch bigger around from all the cycling and although that isn't what I intended, at least they are providing me strength on the bike and the run.
But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  And the tendons along the inside of my left ankle weren't ready.  And now they are very angry. And I have no idea how to heal them or what to do except let them rest for awhile which means I will DNF my REV3.  I still want to swim and bike it.  I just won't run and walking isn't an option because it's too far and will probably irritate my leg.
I did spend the greater part of 4 days feeling very sorry for myself.  But I got it together last night and headed to the pool.  It's exactly what I needed to do.  To drown my sorrows in chlorinated pool water instead of alcohol. :)
And to develop, once again, a new plan of action for my future.  My friend, Zach, said his father in law goes to an acupunturist.  It's actually something I believe in..and believe it helps.  So I made an appointment for tomorrow to see if it can help me too.  I'll continue to work on my swim and my bike.  I MIGHT, and yes I said MIGHT, sign up for an aquabike"thon".
I love running.  It just does not LOVE me back right now.  One day it will again.  I can wait.

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